Correcting Bad Posture

Standing Tall

Correcting Bad Posture

Posture has a direct impact on our joints and muscles.

Poor posture causes tension in various parts of our bodies, and our back is more vulnerable to injuries and back pain because our back muscles, ligaments, disks, and spinal joints are all put under extra stress. Correcting your posture may feel awkward at first because your body has become so used to sitting and standing in a particular way, but it is worth doing so.

A corset is worn to help keep your body in perfect alignment, maintaining the spine’s natural curvature, with your neck and shoulders parallel with your hips. When your posture is good, you are less likely to suffer from back pain. Wearing a corset helps with aching shoulders and neck and relaxes those muscles to avoid hunching or tensing. They help create a balanced upright posture, with your body weight evenly distributed from front to back, while keeping your abdomen pulled in to reduce the curvature in your lower back. Besides these benefits, good posture can also radically change the way you perceive yourself, making you feel more confident and boost your self-image.

,,A corset is worn to help keep your body in perfect alignment

Slithering In

Correcting Bad Posture

With the movement towards animal prints for fall including leopard, zebra, tiger and crocodile, snakeskin is a natural evolution. Over the years the snake print has been slowly slithering into our favorite clothing stores and has now officially taken over the fashion world. What I love most about this incredibly chic print is how it elevates and dresses up any outfit. Take a look at how versatile it really is in one of our past blog posts here.

If you want to make a statement with one dramatic piece, let it be a custom-made, faux snakeskin Champagne Corset! Whatever the occasion this corset promises a no-fail look while reaping the health benefits of good posture.

Do you currently own a corset and would like help styling it? Or perhaps you’re ready for a custom handmade corset of your own. Let’s get started! I am happy to answer any questions you may have. Please comment below.


Photos by Marie Cancellieri
Images enhanced by Intimatology